Powers of 9 – support videos

This series of videos is designed as an aid to those reading the ‘Powers of 9’. It works through the theory of decoding in the book. However, the order doesn’t follow exactly the order laid out in the book. This is because I wanted to make it accessible to viewers who haven’t got the book. The order in the videos makes it more easy to understand without any of the supporting information.

The first video is a general introduction to the material, and then, the series starts with Video 1. For those not reading the book, the videos should be seen in order, each video evolves, very much, from the preceding one. I will give brief indications for the content of each video, for people reading the book who might want to look at a specific part. For example they may have fully understood the material in the book, but like to see a visual working of the ‘star map’, which can be found in the 5th video.

Introduction video:
Brief intro to the ‘Powers of 9’, and what it is all about.

Video 1:
Introduction to what I call, ‘the magic grid’.
The 1-8 times tables and how this is actually made up of 9’s everywhere…

Video 2:
Continuation of looking into the ‘magic grid’
Looking at the lines of symmetry, the inner/outer box, hash-tag and the basic number groups (3,6 and 9 the 1,4, and 7, and the 2, 5, and 8 groups).

Video 3:
Introduction to the Buddhist teaching on the ‘31 planes of existence’.
The celestial year, 12 and 9 spoke dharma wheels.

Video 4:
Continuation of plotting the celestial years around 9 spoked dharma wheels.
Explication of the ‘Tesla Loop’ diagram.
Looking more detailed at the patterns with the three different number groups and the ‘dharma wheels’

Video 5:
Demonstration of why the equilateral triangles move in opposite directions.
Closer look at rotations of the star map.
Showing the link between the star map and the magic grid.

Video 6:
Star map as a model of consciousness.
Link to first stage of rebirth and the first knot.
Showing how this also shows up on the magic grid.

Video 7:
Introduction to the geometric forms (regular and expanded 9-pointed stars, and the enneagon), derived from the mid-points.

Video 8:
Continuation from video 7.
Practical observations of how the theory relates to meditation practise.

Video 9:
The ‘mid-points’ and the celestial year. How this relates to the meditative experience.
Apologies for the poor image quality in this video too, hope it doesn’t detract too much from the presentation.

Video 10:
Emergence of the equilateral 9 pointed star. Interior and exterior angles.

Apologies for the poor image quality in this video too, hope it doesn’t detract too much from the presentation.

VIdeo 11
No.27, celestial and manifest numbers and the first knot/lock.

Apologies for the poor image quality in this video too, hope it doesn’t detract too much from the presentation.

Video 12:
The second knot, the 54 times tables.
The third knot, the 81 times table.

Apologies for the poor image quality in this video too, hope it doesn’t detract too much from the presentation.

Video 13:
The great heart knot.
The 63 times table.
The Buddha state and the Brahma Viharas.

Creation by Numbers

In this series of six videos, I explore in more detail the ideas developed in the ‘Powers of 9’ around the theme of creating through numbers. How the numbers were created, and their symbolism in the creation of time and space.

Many mystical studies recognise the importance of numbers, were they created by man, or were they simply discovered by man?

Creation by Numbers 1

Creation by Numbers 2

Creation by Numbers 3

Creation by Numbers 4

Coming soon….

Rebirthing, Jesus and the Virgin Birth

In these short videos I take a closer look at the actual process of rebirthing and how it relates to the story of Jesus and the concept behind the virgin birth teaching.

What is Rebirthing and the Virgin Birth?

How to Experience the ‘Virgin Birth’?

Ribirthing, Jesus and the Virgin Birth: Addendum

Was Mary the True Christ?

Was Mary the True Christ?

Based on the experience of the rebirth, in this video I explore the rather exciting idea that Mary was actually the living prophet of the day 2023 years ago, and not some guy called Jesus.
I missed saying at the end of the video, that if we look at the nature of the teachings, in comparison to other awakened teachings of the past, the material itself is more ‘feminine’. ‘Yin’ energy, rather than ‘yang’. ‘Love thy neighbour, god and even your enemy’.

Vesica Piscis

In this video I try to explain how the teaching of rebirthing fits with the sacred geometric symbol, vesica piscis, and explain that this symbol is representing the third eye, and is also a ‘device’ that can be used to help experience the sensation of the third eye opening.

Watch the video, and download you own version of the ‘9 spoked’ 3D mandala.
Or buy the book, it’s on the front cover too! 🙂

Once it’s in 3D I get the impression that I can see the eight sided great pyramid shifting around in the visual field, and sometimes the tetrahedron too…

A Lighter Look at the 3, 6, 9, Phenomena

It’s a bit like the ‘Magic Grid’, once aware of the 3, 6, 9, phenomena, you can start to find these numbers in all sorts of surprising places. but generally you need to look at the ‘subtle level’ before these ‘organic numbers’ start showing up…
At one stage I was finding these numbers everywhere (because i was looking for them, for sure…)!
Here’s some video’s that reflect a lighter view (but still potentially significant), of some of the places I found them popping up…

One Hundred and Eighty!