Yoga literally means to ‘yoke’ or ‘union’, to become one or united with the ‘universal consciousness’.
We could say this another way;
to resonate, to vibrate in harmony with the energy of the universe.
How to do this?
Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha
Yoga, is when, the movments (vritti) of the mind (citta) cease (nirodha).
Yoga citta vritti nirodha is the opening of the yoga sutras of Patanjali, a core yogic text summarising the ‘path of yoga’.
It may be said, that, the entire teaching is surmised in this one line.
In order to enable the experience of the awakened mind, yoga, we need to be able to step outside of the egoic mind streams.
This can be done in different ways, hence the many pathways and spiritual traditions, but ultimately, our attention must come to rest upon what is actually occurring in this very moment.
This could indicate deep states of concentration, such as breath awareness. If I feel every breath, as it flows in, as it flows out, then I am totally present to a reality that is happening moment to moment.
This creates a degree of present mind awareness.
The awakened state is when the yogi’s attention is able to span the internal field of body, feelings and mind, while remaining attentive to, or perched at, the sense doors.
Being perched at the sense doors means we are aware of all the outer phenomena that we have direct contact with. Touch (the wind that touches the skin, or the touch of cloth against skin), sights, sounds, tastes and smells.
There is a spectrum of ‘awakened mind’, in the ‘Powers of 9’ I argue that this spectrum is revealed to us through the seven planes of the ‘Sense-sphere good destinations’ of the 31 planes of existence, a Buddhist teaching of cosmology. Which I also present as being representative of the whole spectrum of consciousness.
In the Powers of 9 I also suggest that the split in awakened consciousness as we shift up through the planes becomes more and more directed towards the outer phenomena while a smaller percentage of our attention span will always remain on the body, feelings and mental contents.
As many meditators will be familiar with, as we keep our attention on something that is present, happening in this very moment, the tendency of the egoic mind to chime in, becomes less strong and less frequent.
It will also become more subtle and pernicious before it gives us a clear run at awakened states of awareness!
When the mind (citta), does finally settle, even cease (nirodha), whether that is for a short or prolonged period, then there can be a sense of being totally present. Deep peace, balance and awareness. The awakened state arises when we are able to shift from this space of deep inner balance, to expand out our conscious awareness, connecting to the outer world all around us.
This state can also be experienced as an energetic rebirthing.
This is the first stage of the awakened mind, then, if we are able to be in the total acceptance of all that is in this very moment, the heart opens, the attention shifts more towards the outer sphere, and joy and delight can sweep into the experience.
In the next phase the third eye will open fully, this is a more balanced, tender space of awakened mind, infused with greater wisdom and insight.
The deeper states of connection emerge through sustained periods of awareness.
All of this is yoga, becoming more and more united with the subtler energies that flow all about us, moment to moment.
On a subtler level of understanding our actual vibration changes and is aligned or in harmony with the rhythms of the universe.
The highest yoga, is when the ego-mind has totally fallen away, and we are simply present to all that arises, internally and externally, moment to moment.
The word yoga is also translated as yoke, as in the part that attaches an animal to a plough.
This is also a nice image of the yoga way.
The animal is representing the mind. The mind is not extinguished as some traditions think, but tamed.
The tamed animal then pulls the plough, which allows the farmer to dig through the land, cultivate the fields, and to grow crops that will bring nutriment and well-being for himself, his family and others.
Through yoga, the yoking, we are able to harness the power of the mind, this allows us deep insight into our own personal nature. We will get to turn up all the weeds and rocks, all our negative habit patterns and psychological issues (desires, aversions, attachments) that prevent us from living fully, moment to moment.
The more the ground is cultivated, the more it becomes possible to grow crops, intentions, that can bring benefits, not only to the yogi themselves, but to all others.
My old Yogi friend Jonathan would always tell me off if I said, “the first line of the yoga-sutras…” when I was referring to ‘yoga citta vritti nirodha’. He’d say, “it’s not the first line!”
and he was right, of course.
The very first line of the sutras, is;
Atha yoganusasanam
This is generally translated as;
“Now, the doctrine (discourse/teaching/instruction) on yoga begins”
These ancient teachings are always considered to be so sacred that every word was meaningful and calculated.
The word Atha, ‘now’ was meant to bring people into the present moment, it wasn’t a statement of, ‘ok, we’re ready to start’, it was more of a call for the people to be alert and attentive.
Come into the highest manifestation of awakened mind that they can, in order to hear the teachings that can enable them to take the next steps on their own path.
‘Anusasanam’ has a variety of possible interpretations, like ‘self-discipline’, however, the one I like best is ‘precept’.
The Oxford Languages/Google Dictionary defines ‘precept’ as;
“A general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.”
With this in mind, the first line of the sutras is something more like,
‘the precept of yoga is now.’
‘by being present to the space of here and now, we are able to regulate our thoughts and behaviour.’
In many great teachings, the first line is a full summary of the entire text. For example, if you understand the true meaning of the first commandment, then all the other commandments are already dealt with. Once you understand experientially, that there is only one divinity, then you would never steal, kill, commit adultery, disrespect your mother and farther etc. etc.
I used to think ‘yoga citta vritti nirodha’ was the summary statement of the yoga sutras, but maybe the even more simple concept of ‘atha yoganusasanam’, ‘now is the precept of yoga’, is even more concise and pertinent, .
The rule, or precept for attaining yoga, is experienced from being fully present, alive to our internal and external worlds all about us, if we can truly embody everything that arises, here now, moment to moment, then the rest of the teachings are already incorporated.