I offer one to one sessions to work with people who may be struggling with any form of difficulty on their personal and spiritual paths.

Personalised support is exactly that, I tailor the sessions to the needs of the individual. That may mean working on an array of issues, from the personal, to lifestyle, to spiritual practises or simply the here and now.

Often after spiritual ‘awakenings’ we can find it hard to integrate these experiences back into our day to day lives. Sometimes we can have a clearer ‘vision’ of another way of being in this world, but don’t feel we have the tools, or ‘life force’ to take the necessary ‘next steps’. Spiritual practise can also make us more sensitive to the world around us, at times this brings a greater sense of connection and balance, but at other times it can leave us overwhelmed. Existential angst is the classic definition for most spiritually born anxieties as our vision of ‘who we are’ and what is ‘meaningful’ shifts through practise. Simply being in this world and living a human existence is full of all the ups and downs and stresses of daily life, spiritual practise does not take us away from all that (unless we go and find a cave in the mountains). Indeed, spiritual practise is meant to help us enter ‘more fully’ into all aspects of life (and death). Sometimes we need a safe space, a friend, a guide, someone who can offer us ‘genuine relationship’ where we can work through any such issues that can arise.

This also brings us back to words and stories. In our ego, or dialectic mind, we are constantly creating stories. Stories about the past, the future, and our fantasies. Out of the changing conditions that we encounter, both internally and externally, moment to moment, our analytical mind is constantly weaving a story from these experiences. This often becomes the story of ‘who we think we are’. Sometimes we need to be able change or adapt our story, to align our lives with our spiritual path, but we also need to be able to take more distance from these stories and also to learn how to let the stories go, allow them to dissolve and to experience how to live from ‘that space’, present, with an alert and attentive mind, grounded through the heart.

My own practise is eclectic. While my own background is from the Jewish, yoga and Buddhist traditions, I am interested in all wisdom traditions. My main interest, is in the universality of all spiritual traditions, not the teachings themselves, but to the spaces where these teachings are pointing to. My own practise still evolves and is the ‘key-stone’ of my therapeutic approach and my own way of being.

I am a qualified counsellor, having trained in a form of buddhist psychotherapy and transpersonal psychology. I am a member of BACP (british association for counsellors and psychotherapist) the largest uk accrediting body.

While all content on the site is offered freely, I do ask for payment for one to one work.

Free short phone consultations are available to decide If ‘personalised support’ is for you, after that, sessions are £36 or equivalent and are conducted via video conferencing, sessions last for one hour.

People on low income should inquire for reduced rates.

For more infomation on my theraputic approach please visit my therapy profile here: www.richgreentherapy.com