My own thoughts, ideas, words and way of teaching has been formed over my entire life. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes, my friends, my cats, the birds, the sun, my back pain. When I teach, I often come up with ideas and concepts that may have come from different sources, but I tend not to credit individuals. Usually, I have forgotten which ideas came from where, and all too often, they entered my head, filtered through my own personal lens on the world, got mixed up with other teachings, and usually come out in a fairly unique way. Indeed, it is said, by somebody somewhere, once upon a time (this is an example of what I mean), that there is, nothing new under the sun. Most teachings are a reformulation or mixture of things already out there.
So whilst I don’t always directly acknowledge other peoples works, it is fair to say that over the years I have been greatly aided and inspired by teachers, books, and in todays age, I have to open that up to websites too. This page is dedicated to them, predominantly books and authors that I have loved and been inspired by, I hope that you find it useful!
At the end, in appreciation, I try to credit any other works that I use, such as photos that appear on different pages of the site.
Website construction help: Thanks to Laetitia @:
Books and Websites: (in no special order)
Brian Lancaster; Mind, Brain and Human Potential.
Mahasi Sayadaw; The Progress of Insight.
Ajahn Chah; Food for the Heart.
Carlos Casteneda; his first five books on the teachings of Don Juan, and the ‘art of dreaming’.
Caroline Brazier; Budhist Psychology. Also see
David Brazier; Zen Therapy and The feeling Buddha. Also see
Chogyam Trungpa; Training the Mind, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism.
Jack Kornfield; Living Budhist Masters, A Path With Heart, plus many great Dharma talks.
Dzigar Kongtrul; It’s Up to You.
Acharya Buddharakkhita; The Dhammapada.; excellent website for dharma discourses, Ajahan Sumedho, Ajahan Amaro, Donald Rothberg, Sylvia Boornstien, Joseph Goldstien, Wes Nisker, amoungst many others.; plenty of good dharma talks by Christopher.
S. N. Goenka; The Art of Living, Mahasatipatthana Sutta.
Tsoknyi Rinpoche; Carefree Dignity
Shunryu Suzuki; Zen Mind, Begginers Mind
Osho; plenty of inspiring books.
Steven Levine; A Gradual Awakening
Aldous Huxley; The Perennial Philosophy, The Doors of Perception
Bhikkhu Bodhi; The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, In the Buddhas Words, Numerical Discourses of the Buddha.
Maurice Walshe; The Long discourses of the Buddha
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj; I Am That.
Georg Feuerstein; The Yoga Tradition.
T. K. V. Desikachar; The Hear of Yoga.
P. D. Ouspensky; The Fourth Way, In Search of The Miraculous.
G. I. Gurdjieff; Meetings with Remarkable Men.
Viktor Frankl; Mans Search for Meaning.
Daniel C. Dennet; Content and Consciousness.
Roshi Philip Kapleau; The Three Pillars of Zen.
B. K. S. Iyenga; Light on Yoga, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Light on Pranayama.
Irvin Yalom; Loves Executioner, The gift of Therapy, Lying on the Couch, Creatures of a Day.
Thich Nhat Hanh; Old Path White Clouds, The Heart of Understanding.
Benjamin Hoff; The Toa Of Pooh, The Te of Piglet.
Herman Hesse; Siddhartha, The Glass Bead Game, Narcissus and Goldmund, Demian.
Fritjof Capra; The Toa of Physics
James Redfield; The Celestine Prophecy.
As I remember other sources of past inspiration, and indeed discover new sources I consider inspiring, I will add these to this very non-exhaustive list.
Photographic work:
Found at;
Sunshine bath (Meditation page) by Zac Durant
Red cloud (Video page) by Lefty Kasdaglis
Buddha Hand (Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodha page) by yossanunj-YP
Sri Lankan Buddha (About the site page) by Hans Moerman
Flying Dove (Contact page) by Sunguk Kim
Fly Agaric Mushroom, ‘Not so Tasty’ (Merry Christmas Post) by Florian van Duyn
Glimpsing the Self, (27- The Ego Mind Post) Branislav-Belko
Found at;
Star Wars (Writting page) By The original uploader was KAMiKAZOW at German Wikipedia. –
Mary, mother of Jesus on the throne -(Post- Rebirthing, Jesus and the Virgin Birth) Ferté, Etienne (1981) L’art de Byzance, Paris: L. Mazenod, pp. 94,97 ISBN: 2850880116.
Cuneiform (Writing page) source
Dhyana buddha statue in Amaravathi (Meditation Page) by iMahesh
Giza pyramid complex (The Egyptians Knew it… Post) by The Digital Artist
The Creation of Adam (cropped), by Michelangelo
Ella travel , The Hill Country (Stuff to Take/Meditation Page) by Nisal Senanayaka
The Trip Home (Meditation/Audio meditations Page) by U.S. Geological Survey from Reston, VA, USA
Swayambhunath Stupa, The Holiest Place.jpg by Nirmal Dulal
Maastricht Book of Hours (Posts)
Found at;
Silhouette-of-bird-above-clouds (Home page) by Flo Maderebner
Green Tall Trees With View of Mountain and Sun Peeking Through (Powers of 9 pdf. Post)
Bright rainbow over rippling sea (Expanding Awareness/Meditation page) by Ben Mack
Found at;
Hands at Sunrise (Donations Welcomed page) by Gerd Altmann
Unknown Sources
clouds-hd-wallpaper-landscape-67832.jpg (Personalised Support page) Site and author unknown.
background-calm-clouds-747964.jpg (About me page) Site and author unknown.